Publisher's Synopsis
The information in this book should be taught in kindergarten ... or before ... and here's why! Knowing why you say, what you say, the way you say it AND why you do, what you do, the way you do it gives you critically important self-awareness and self-management information. You'll have insight into material that many people aren't aware of or don't practice. You'll have an edge over others. Why? Because you'll know how to maximize your emotional intelligence and present yourself in an authentic, quality way that will help you gain endorsement from others in the shortest possible timeframe. Equally as important, is when you have an understanding of why others say and do what they say and do. When you understand how both you and others are motivated, and therefore behave, in terms of work performance, relationship building, time management, task accomplishment risk taking and addressing conflict, you'll have powerful information upon which to build quality, low stress, respectful bonds that stand the test of time. The information in this book is relevant, timely and applicable across the board: at work, home, in volunteering or even at the sports arena. This content rich book, teamed with the associated self-scoring behavioural styles profile, available from, gives individuals, leaders, coaches, mentors, learning and development facilitators and human resource professionals easy to understand, internalize and apply information to use in their personal and professional development activities. This behavioural styles book is only one of the LEARN DO THRIVE (LDT) ebooks, paperbacks and profiles series. They are all easy to read, "de-acamademicasized," proven, powerful and priced right learning tools. They are content rich offerings that can be used in a variety of learning venues WITHOUT THE NEED TO PAY A LICENSING OR LEADER TRAINING FEE OR A HIGH PRICE FOR PARTICIPANT MATERIAL. Leaders and learning professionals can link the models in all LDT offerings to key performance management requirements, the organizational or family cultures. A huge benefit is that they can significantly minimize workshop, webinar, or keynote curriculum development time, personnel and resources by using the models and making the book and profile the foundation of the participant package for each attendee. In that way, there's no worry about copyright infringement or trademark violation. In utilizing all LDT offerings, information can be tailored to end-user needs making it a cost-effective, resource efficient, productive and timely way to go! Other ebooks, paperbacks and self-scoring profiles are: LEARN DO THRIVE Increase Your Emotional Intelligence; LEARN DO THRIVE Manage Your Very Human Reactions to Change; LEARN DO THRIVE Identify and Manage Conflict; LEARN DO THRIVE Increase Your Sales Skills and Business Development Results with others on the way! Questions? Just email [email protected]. Remember the self-scoring behavioural styles profile is available at and priced under $20.00 each! While there, sign up to be on our email list. Expand your services, support and potential revenue by ordering your material today! Thank you for your interest in the LEARN DO THRIVE series.