Pittsburgh Penguins

Pittsburgh Penguins - Inside the NHL

Hardback (15 Jul 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Did you know that star athletes Sidney Crosby and Mario Lemieux have both played for the Pittsburgh Penguins? Both athletes played a significant role in helping the Penguins win the Stanley Cup championshipfirst Lemieux in the early 1990s, and then Crosby in more recent history. Discover more intriguing facts in Pittsburgh Penguins, an Inside the NHL book.

Book information

ISBN: 9781489631763
Publisher: Av2 by Weigl
Imprint: Av2 by Weigl
Pub date:
DEWEY: 796.962
Language: English
Weight: 340g
Height: 257mm
Width: 193mm
Spine width: 8mm