The Adult Learner

The Adult Learner Some Things We Know - In a Nutshell Series

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Adult Learner: Some Things We Know addresses the "warrior" who rises to the challenge of teaching the adult learner. The discussion is designed as a catalyst for dialogue about the adult learner and to uncover the complexities of teaching this rare and riveting species.

This book is organized around three interlocking themes: some things we know about the adult learner; some things we know about change; and some things we know about professional development. In the process of reading the book, the reader gets a glimpse into the research that supports the theory of the adult learner, into the principles that guide the learning practices of the adult learner, and into the strategies that "work in the work setting" for the adult learner.

Book information

ISBN: 9781483363226
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Imprint: Corwin
Pub date:
DEWEY: 374
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 100
Weight: -1g