Publisher's Synopsis
YOU WANT THE BEST OUT OF LIFE AND WANT TO GET STARTED TODAY! HAPPY DAYS HAPPY LIFE is designed to help you on the journey right here and right now. You know life is not always easy, but you know life can be good. Life is good when you have strength, endurance, and resources to overcome obstacles, motivate uncooperative people, and conquer your insecurities along the way. Good days become happy days with confident decision making, good friends, supportive family, and God's help. The sum total of these happy days makes for a happy life. Equipping for the journey really works. Only 4.34 % of those completing Total Life Counseling's Psychiatric Day Hospital in Roanoke, Virginia require additional hospitalization when they complete their treatment for anxiety and depression. Compare this to 50% requiring additional hospitalization nationally. Dr. David Peterson, counselor and founder of this program, makes this life changing message available to you here. YOU CAN SEE HAPPY DAYS. LET'S GET STARTED.