Introduction to Mathematical Logic

Introduction to Mathematical Logic - Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications

Sixth edition

eBook (08 Jul 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The new edition of this classic textbook, Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Sixth Edition explores the principal topics of mathematical logic. It covers propositional logic, first-order logic, first-order number theory, axiomatic set theory, and the theory of computability. The text also discusses the major results of Gödel, Church, Kleene, Rosser, and Turing.

The sixth edition incorporates recent work on Gödel's second incompleteness theorem as well as restoring an appendix on consistency proofs for first-order arithmetic. This appendix last appeared in the first edition. It is offered in the new edition for historical considerations. The text also offers historical perspectives and many new exercises of varying difficulty, which motivate and lead students to an in-depth, practical understanding of the material.

Book information

ISBN: 9781482237795
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Imprint: Chapman & Hall/CRC
Pub date:
Edition: Sixth edition
DEWEY: 511.3
DEWEY edition: 23
Number of pages: 513
Weight: -1g