Publisher's Synopsis
Have you ever been greatly distressed? King David was greatly distressed yet comes this statement: ." . . but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God" (1 Samuel 30:6). You can do that too. The wisdom found in God's book is the source of moral, spiritual truth and personal spiritual strength. How you can benefit from this book? Each chapter is a study from Bible accounts and scriptures which teach great lessons for men today. The Bible is more current than tomorrow's newspaper. Not all that is old is gold, but the Book of God, the Bible, is that very thing. All else, unless based on The book, is but fool's gold. What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? Suppose you say I want to be the best Christian I can possibly be. How would you go about being that? If you desire to be the best husband or wife you can be, how do you reach and maintain that goal? In order to be the best marriage companion, best parent, best worker, best student, and best Christian you can be to your Lord, think on the following strategy, namely 1) Visualization, 2) Persistence and 3)Prayer. Jesus wanted his disciples to imagine, think of and visualize heaven (John 14:1-13). They could not see it physically as yet, but were to imagine going there beforehand. The Olympic runner first imagines a great start, a successful run and then with head leaning forward sprinting over the finish line. Likewise, the Olympic swimmer, "You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get." (Michael Phelps, Olympic Swimmer, U.S.A.) Dream? He is talking about visualization, right? Yes.