Publisher's Synopsis
This manual is a guide for commanders, staff officers, and other personnel concerned with planning, organizing, and carrying out petroleum QS testing in a theater of operations. The doctrine in this manual concerns operations in a tactical theater and may not relate directly to normal peacetime garrison operations. Doctrine for the development and operation of theater petroleum testing facilities is discussed separately for an improved and unimproved theater of operations. The systems described are applicable to both conventional, and NBC warfare. This manual is a consolidation of FMs 10-70 and 10-72. It addresses certain environmental issues to be considered in planning petroleum laboratory operations. It provides information concerning the types of petroleum products, and their uses by the military; petroleum quality; the various laboratories and test kits available for implementing quality surveillance in the theater; and the deployment and establishment of these facilities. The final chapters of this manual address basic chemistry used in the laboratory, along with the properties of petroleum, testing methods; samplers and sampling procedures; and general petroleum testing facilities. In addition to this manual, it is necessary to have publications such as those listed in the references in order to provide an adequate QS program.