Publisher's Synopsis
Jesus commands us to make disciples of people from all nations, to baptize them and to teach them to obey all that he taught his disciples. This calling begins with our own children. God calls every Christian father to disciple his own children to spiritual maturity. Discipleship, as Jesus demonstrated, is a three step process of teaching, demonstrating and then sending them out to do what was taught. This cycle is repeated over and over until the student reaches maturity and becomes capable of discipling others himself. The growth, maturity and functionality of the Church depend upon making new disciples, and this growth must begin with our own children. The Bible clearly calls fathers to this task and clearly describes the necessary steps. Discipling our own children is not a transferable assignment. It is not the work of the pastor, the Sunday school teacher or the youth group leader. The workshop is our own family life home and the father/child relationship. Children emulate their fathers. Their spiritual maturity depends upon their father's spiritual maturity. No one else can do what only fathers have been called to do for their own children. This book should serve as a sufficient foundation to begin and to complete the calling to every Christian father to disciple his own children.