Publisher's Synopsis
"Ernie's Journeys" is a bold collection of essays focused on early television's original comic genius, Ernie Kovacs, whose experimental, uninhibited visual comedy influenced generations of future comedians and comedy programming years after his untimely death in 1962. Intriguing chapters include a comparative look at Ernie and Buster Keaton, who incidentally co-starred with Ernie in an ill-fated pilot for a comedy western sitcom; speculations as to what Kovacs would have made of modern technology, like the Internet; and a rare look at Kovacs compared to fellow rebel icon, Lenny Bruce. "Ernie's Journeys" is a splendid addition to other Kovacs biographies in the libraries of all Kovacs fans, and anyone who loves to laugh. The Legendary Laughter Series highlights classic comedy from the silent era to the television age, engagingly written, revealing the stories behind the laughs ? by a lifelong student of the great laughmakers and a fellow practitioner of comedy. Relax, pull up a whoopie-cushion, and enjoy!