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Crash Course in Love

Crash Course in Love

Paperback (12 Apr 2014)

  • $15.46
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Publisher's Synopsis

You can have the love you want...but first you have to do your homework.

Millions of viewers have tuned in for each episode of VH1 Tough Love, the hit show that takes a group of single women and puts them through a rigorous relationship boot camp where they must follow host Steve Ward's dating rules. Now, for the first time, master matchmaker Steve Ward and his mother, JoAnn, share all of their straightforward, no-nonsense dating and relationship lessons in this handy guide to love. Just as they dish out their tough love on the show, the authors explain how to flirt with a purpose, set up a date, turn a spark into a lasting connection, manage relationship fears, bounce back from rejection, and much more.

Whether you're trying to find Mr. Right or want to keep him around now that you've snagged him, the innovative (and brutally honest) advice will help you break bad habits, take a fresh approach to dating, and transform your love life.

Book information

ISBN: 9781476787985
Publisher: Gallery Books
Imprint: Gallery Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 646.77
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 132g
Height: 178mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 10mm