Captain Vorpatril's Alliance

Captain Vorpatril's Alliance - The Vorkosigan Saga

Paperback (15 Sep 2014)

  • $10.67
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Publisher's Synopsis

  • A new installment in the award-winning Vorkosigan science fictionadventure series!
  • Captain Ivan Vorpatril sometimes thinks that if not for his family, he mighthave no troubles at all. But he has the dubious fortune of the hyperactive MilesVorkosigan as a cousin, which has too-often led to his getting dragged into oneof Miles' schemes, with risk to life and limb - and military career- that Ivan doesn't consider entirely fair. Although much practicehas made Ivan more adept at fending off his mother's less-than-subtlereminders that he should be getting married and continuing the Vorpatrillineage. Fortunately, his current duty is on the planet Komarr as staff officerto Admiral Desplains, far from both his cousin and his mother back on theirhomeworld of Barrayar. It's an easy assignment and nobody is shooting athim. What could go wrong?

Book information

ISBN: 9781476736983
Publisher: Baen Books
Imprint: Baen
Pub date:
DEWEY: 813.6
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 601
Weight: 281g
Height: 176mm
Width: 107mm
Spine width: 32mm