Publisher's Synopsis
The Barnabas Factors: Eight Essential Practices of Church Planting Team Members, by author and professor J. D. Payne, describes how Barnabas should be considered as a model for contemporary church planting team members. Each chapter of this work addresses a particular "Barnabas Factor," a healthy aspect of Barnabas' life that assisted in Kingdom expansion. The eight practices include:
- Walks with the Lord
- Maintains an Outstanding Character
- Serves the Local Church
- Remains Faithful to the Call
- Shares the Gospel Regularly
- Raises Up Leaders
- Encourages with Speech and Actions
- Responds Appropriately to Conflict.
The book also includes the Barnabas Factors Standard of Excellence Guide for Team Development to assist leaders in assessing potential team members.
What others are saying aboutThe Barnabas Factors:
This is a very straightforward, non-glitzy look at what the Bible has to say about team ministry in church planting.
Ed Stetzer, author of Planting Missional Churches, taken from the Foreword
Given the risky and pioneering nature of church planting, it is essential to develop healthy relationships amongst members of the founding team. Here J. D. Payne gives us a biblical model of engendering healthy team dynamics by looking to the life and ministry of Barnabas. This is a book for those of us who want to keep a joyful camaraderie whilst advancing the kingdom.
Alan Hirsch, author of The Forgotten Ways and The Shaping of Things to Come; Founding director of
If there is a priority need today in church planting, it is a need for the church planting team members first to be people of exemplary Christ-like character. . . . Payne's book addresses this issue in a clear and concise manner.
R. Bruce Carlton, author of Acts 29, Professor of Cross-Cultural Ministry, Oklahoma Baptist University
The Barnabas Factors: Eight Essential Practices of Church Planting Team Members is a unique and much needed book for anyone interested in church planting. I strongly believe it is a must-read for newly appointed missionaries and just as essential for veteran missionaries. This book powerfully sets forth the need for godly personal characteristics that are vital for successful church planting teams. The diagnostic tool at the conclusion of the book will be a great help in evaluating potential team members.
Charles Brock, President, Church Growth International; author of Indigenous Church Planting: A Practical Journey
I highly recommend this book. From end to end it is practical: it's the relationship stuff, the personal qualities of team members, and the realistic nuts and bolts of ministry that are so ultimately determinative to fruitfulness in the church planting and team contexts. Payne brings great clarity as to what is a missionary "call." And for no extra charge there is a powerful tool at the end pulling all the principles together to help you decide who to take onto your team and who not to. A must-read for all church planters.
Daniel Sinclair, author of A Vision of the Possible: Pioneer Church Planting in Teams