Well Of The Saints - A Play

Well Of The Saints - A Play

eBook (10 Apr 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This three-act play is a comedy written by John Millington Synge. He draws his story from an old folk tale of a well on Araninn that cures blindness. This is the story of an old and ugly blind beggar couple, Martin and Mary Doul, who believe they are beautiful. One day a saint blesses them with the holy water from the well and they are given sight and they learn that they are in fact ugly. We are republishing this classic works, originally published in 1905, with a new introductory biography. John Millington Synge was an Irish playwright, poet and avid collector of folklore. His other works include In the Shadow of the Glen (1903), Riders to the Sea (1904), The Aran Islands, 1907, The Playboy of the Western World (1907) and many others.

Book information

ISBN: 9781473393684
Publisher: Read Books Ltd.
Imprint: Read Books Ltd.
Pub date:
Number of pages: 105
Weight: -1g