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Paperback (03 May 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

One day, without warning, Jasmyn's husband died.

Since then, everything has been different.

Wrapped up in her grief, Jasmyn is trapped in a world without colour, without flavour - without Liam. But even through the haze of misery she begins to notice unusual events, as sense of being watched, a strange man visiting her home and asking pointed questions about her dead husband. Her world has been turned upside down, but even so, things are not as they should be.

Eventually Jasmyn begins to explore the discrepancies that have sprung up after his death - the plane tickets to places Liam claimed he'd never visited, details of the meetings he was never supposed to have - and to follow their trail back into the events of his life.

But the mysteries are deeper than she expected, and are leading her in surprising directions: into fairytales filled with swans, castles and bones; into a tale of a murder committed by a lake and a vicious battle between brothers; into legends of a lost past, and a story of stolen love.

About the Publisher


Gollancz is the oldest specialist SF & Fantasy publisher in the UK. Founded in 1927 and with a continuous SF publishing programme dating back to 1961, we are home to a galaxy of award-winning and bestselling authors. Through our long-running SF and Fantasy Masterworks programme, and major digital initiative the SF Gateway, we have one of the largest ranges of SF and Fantasy of any publisher in the world. Mission: To publish the very best authors in the fields of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror, to re-present the classics of the genre to a fresh audience and to discover the stars of tomorrow. To boldly go, dare we say it, where no publisher has gone before . . .

Book information

ISBN: 9781473224452
Publisher: Orion
Imprint: Gollancz
Pub date:
Edition: Reprint
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 320
Weight: 282g
Height: 193mm
Width: 130mm
Spine width: 24mm