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The Steps of the Sun

The Steps of the Sun And, Far from Home

Paperback (24 Mar 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Walter Tevis Omnibus contains two works from the acclaimed author of THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH, THE HUSTLER and THE COLOUR OF MONEY.

In a time when America's power has been eroded by energy depletion, and world control has been virtually given over to the Chinese, only one man has the courage to seek new mineral resources among the stars. He is Ben Belson, one of the richest men in the world, a man haunted by the memory of a loveless childhood and driven by needs and desires he can barely understand or control. His dream is to find the means to help America break the stranglehold of the corrupt interests who are keeping it a second class power.

A collection of Walter Tevis essential short fiction, containing:

Part One: Far From Home
The Other End of the Line The Big Bounce The Goldabrick The Ifth of Oofth The Scholar's Disciple Far From Home Part Two: Close To Home
Rent Control A Visit From Mother Daddy The Apotheosis of Myra Out of Luck Echo Sitting In Limbo

About the Publisher


Gollancz is the oldest specialist SF & Fantasy publisher in the UK. Founded in 1927 and with a continuous SF publishing programme dating back to 1961, we are home to a galaxy of award-winning and bestselling authors. Through our long-running SF and Fantasy Masterworks programme, and major digital initiative the SF Gateway, we have one of the largest ranges of SF and Fantasy of any publisher in the world. Mission: To publish the very best authors in the fields of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror, to re-present the classics of the genre to a fresh audience and to discover the stars of tomorrow. To boldly go, dare we say it, where no publisher has gone before . . .

Book information

ISBN: 9781473213135
Publisher: Orion
Imprint: Gollancz
Pub date:
DEWEY: 813.54
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: 318g
Height: 131mm
Width: 197mm
Spine width: 39mm