Powder Smoke

Powder Smoke - A Jim Stringer Novel

Hardback original

Hardback (21 Jan 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

York railway station, December, 1925. Detective Inspector Jim Stringer is enjoying a pint in the Parlour Bar before accompanying his wife, Lydia, to a charitable function. But when the couple meet at their regular spot near the footbridge, Jim is alarmed to see a man pointing a revolver in his direction.

His thoughts go spinning back to a hot day at the end of August, when he attended the York Summer Gala in company with his boss, Superintendent Saul Weatherill, aka 'the Chief'. The Chief, a lover of guns, had insisted on taking Jim into a Wild West sideshow. The star of the show was a moody young sharpshooter called Kid Durrant, who spoke like someone who'd come from Arizona via Sheffield (or vice versa).

As Jim watched Durrant displaying his deadeye skills, he little realised how this would be the start of his most dangerous investigation yet.

POWDER SMOKE heralds the return of Andrew Martin's much-loved railway policeman, Jim Stringer.

About the Publisher


Corsair has also joined Little, Brown from Constable & Robinson and publishes a wide range of literary titles, from the frank, funny musings of 'bad feminist' Roxane Gay to Jennifer Egan's A Visit From the Goon Squad and Martin Hughes-Game's memoir on life in the wild. Corsair is a diverse list, united under a single strategy: to publish the very best in ambitious and ground-breaking fiction.

Book information

ISBN: 9781472154835
Publisher: Little, Brown
Imprint: Corsair
Pub date:
Edition: Hardback original
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 323
Weight: 404g
Height: 136mm
Width: 206mm
Spine width: 33mm