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English Levels 3-4

English Levels 3-4 Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation Skills

Paperback (28 Oct 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Syllabus: CfE (Curriculum for Excellence, from Education Scotland) and SQA
Level: BGE S1-3: Third & Fourth Levels
Subject: English

Focus specifically on RUAE skills at Third and Fourth Levels with this popular book from Jane Cooper, comprising examples, models and active learning tasks, plus 15 practice assessments.

Designed for use in BGE (S1-S3), this book helps students to:

> Develop their close reading skills

> Understand the distinction between key ideas and supporting details

> Analyse writers' language and style via a broad range of text extracts

> Learn the key concepts of reading for understanding, analysis and evaluation through examples, models and active learning tasks in Part One of the book

> Apply, develop and monitor RUAE skills in Part Two, with 15 practice assessments that gradually increase in difficulty and sample both fiction and non-fiction texts

> Prepare for National qualifications as the practice assessments serve as a useful precursor to the style of RUAE assessments at National 5 and beyond

Book information

ISBN: 9781471868603
Publisher: Hodder Education Group
Imprint: Hodder Gibson
Pub date:
DEWEY: 428.00712
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 152
Weight: 424g
Height: 299mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 7mm