Publisher's Synopsis
Exam Board: OCR, Edexcel, WJEC Eduqas
Level: AS/A-level
Subject: English literature
First teaching: September 2015
First exams: Summer 2016
Enable students to achieve their best grade in AS/A-level English Literature with this year-round course companion; designed to instil in-depth textual understanding as students read, analyse and revise The Duchess of Malfi throughout the course.
This Study and Revise guide:
- Increases students' knowledge of The Duchess of Malfi as they progress through the detailed commentary and contextual information written by experienced teachers and examiners
- Develops understanding of characterisation, themes, form, structure and language, equipping students with a rich bank of textual examples to enhance their coursework and exam responses
- Builds critical and analytical skills through challenging, thought-provoking questions and tasks that encourage students to form their own personal responses to the text
- Extends learning and prepares students for higher-level study by introducing critical viewpoints, comparative references to other literary works and suggestions for independent research
- Helps students maximise their exam potential using clear explanations of the Assessment Objectives, sample student answers and examiner insights
- Improves students' extended writing techniques through targeted advice on planning and structuring a successful essay