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The Ultimate Guide to Presenting For Profit

The Ultimate Guide to Presenting For Profit

Paperback (09 Mar 2012)

  • $25.78
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Publisher's Synopsis

Presenting or public speaking is the number one fear of most people, with being buried alive coming a close second, but most people fear it, not because they cannot do it, but because they simply have not done it before, or, their image of themselves is not congruent with it. Public speaking is a skill just like any other, and it is far easier than learning to ride a bike, walk or speak your first words, so anyone can do it! With just a little practice, AND some useful tools and techniques, you can learn to speak like a pro within just a short period of time. Whether you are giving a wedding speech, presiding over your first meeting, presenting to your peers, delivering a sales pitch or presenting your first talk to a large audience, this book will give you everything that you will ever need to know to present like a pro, feel more comfortable about doing so, and impressing any audience, large or small.

Book information

ISBN: 9781471095351
Publisher: Lulu Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 210
Weight: 159g
Height: 175mm
Width: 108mm
Spine width: 11mm