The Yang-Mills Heat Equation With Finite Action in Three Dimensions

The Yang-Mills Heat Equation With Finite Action in Three Dimensions - Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society

Paperback (30 May 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"The existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Yang-Mills heat equation is proven over R3 and over a bounded open convex set in R3. The initial data is taken to lie in the Sobolev space of order one half, which is the critical Sobolev index for this equation over a three dimensional manifold. The existence is proven by solving first an augmented, strictly parabolic equation and then gauge transforming the solution to a solution of the Yang-Mills heat equation itself. The gauge functions needed to carry out this procedure lie in the critical gauge group of Sobolev regularity three halves, which is a complete topological group in a natural metric but is not a Hilbert Lie group. The nature of this group must be understood in order to carry out the reconstruction procedure. Solutions to the Yang-Mills heat equation are shown to be strong solutions modulo these gauge functions. Energy inequalities and Neumann domination inequalities are u

Book information

ISBN: 9781470450533
Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Imprint: American Mathematical Society
Pub date:
DEWEY: 515.3534
DEWEY edition: 23/eng20220503
Language: English
Number of pages: 111
Weight: 229g