Publisher's Synopsis
Jim Marrs, the bestselling Gold Standard in conspiracy research, and cultural historian Michael H. Price deliver a persuasive study in fact-based fiction in OSWALD'S CONFESSION, a graphic novel designed as a companion piece to Marrs' influential book, CROSSFIRE: THE PLOT THAT KILLED KENNEDY. Retracing Lee Harvey Oswald's final hours among the living, OSWALD'S CONFESSION spins a compelling tale of vain ambition at the ragged edge of mortal danger involving political and criminal intrigues. The mad dash for Oblivion culminates in the presidential assassination of Nov. 22, 1963. The book also collects Marrs & Price's TALES FROM THE WAR series of short comics stories, from the science-fictional "It Takes a Child To Raze a Village" to the Civil War-era shaggy-dog yarn "Lot of Brass!" Bonus tracks include an array of war-comics rarities from the pre-Code 1950s.