Publisher's Synopsis
"The Ultimate Love Affair is an intriguing, eye-opening and practical look into the very essence of who, why and how you attract to your life. It is full of easy to follow tips that will help you dissolve personal limitations, so you can find love for yourself and expand this vibration to improve your relationships with others." Keith Leon, Speaker and best selling author of the book, Who Do You Think You Are? Discover The Purpose Of Your Life Not just another book that explains you how to achieve great results, The Ultimate Love Affair brings you deeply into a process of becoming a new person who fearlessly goes for what you want. Reading this book is a life-changing experience of: - A step-by-step process of creating relationships you dream about - A genuine truth about how your fears and desires help you prevent conflicts and dramatically improve your relationships - A courage to stop your self-sabotage and ask for what you really want Each chapter wraps up with simple exercises and action steps that keep you on track and move you flawlessly through this delightful transformational process. A gifted healer, Life Purpose Intuitive and a relationship expert, Lana offers succinct, easy to follow method for instantaneous letting go of any limiting thinking and self-reprogramming for self-love, self-appreciation and self-acceptance. This process allows you to attract an authentic love, intimate relationships and deep commitment. "This book can help you find the path of least resistance and attract magic into your life that you deserve. Don't just read it... use it!" Steve & Barbara Rother Authors of 5 books in 16 languages, Channels and hosts of the VirtualLight Broadcast at "Open the first page and be ready to empower your life with the transformational teachings contained in each chapter of this magical book." Maribel Jimenez, BScM Author and Marketing Strategist