Publisher's Synopsis
Adapted in part from the 1941 Film Meet John Doe, Theater Director and Actor in the San Francisco Bay Area for many years, John DeGaetano takes a stab at creating a new updated twist to a common classic story. A delightful evening of entertainment await as he takes you forward to a grass roots movement in a fast paced world of media frenzy and economic turmoil, something we can all identify with. You don't have to be a part of any political group or social preference to enjoy the script DeGaetano has adapted - there's light-hearted adventure, and a touch of romance, long overdue as things progress. The story moves quickly, with an array of colorful characters and is guaranteed to please everyone who joins in. Check out more plays available from the author; The Fat Man, Siituation in Safe Haven, Once Upon a Crime and a brand new Sherlock Holmes adventure in Sherlock Holmes and the Princess Jewel.