Publisher's Synopsis
2020. WEST EUROPE AND AFRICA. Sector 1. France- The Bay of Biscay- Ile d'Ouessant to Pointe du Croisic. Sector 2. France- The Bay of Biscay- La Loire to Pointe de la Coubre. Sector 3. France and Spain- La Gironde to Cabo Penas. Sector 4. Spain- Cabo Penas to Cabo Finisterre. Sector 5. Spain and Portugal- Caba Fenestrate to Cabo de Sao Vicente. Sector 6. Portugal and Spain- Cabo de Sao Vicente to Cabo Trafalgar. Sector 7. The Arquipelago dos Acores (Azores). Sector 8. The Arquipelago da Madeira, the Islas Canarias, and the Arquipelago de Cabo Verde. Sector 9. Morocco and Western Sahara- Cap Spartel to Cap Juby. Sector 10. Western Sahara, Mauritania, and Senegal- Cap Juby to Cap Vert. Sector 11. Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, and Guinea- Presqui'le du Cap Vert to the Banana Islands. Sector 12. Sierra Leone and Liberia- The Banana Islands to Cape Palmas. Glossaries. SAILING DIRECTIONS are prepared and published by the NATIONAL GEOSPATIAL-INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (NGA). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. SAILING DIRECTIONS, covering the harbors, coasts, and waters of the world, provide information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. Sailing Directions include detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the largest scale chart.