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Ko-Uta Little Songs of the Geisha World

eBook (03 Feb 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book of Japanese poetry and lyrics explores a little-known style of Japanese song called Ko-Uta.A Ko-Uta is translated as "little song" in Japanese. Unfamiliar to most Westerners, ko-uta are particularly in tune with the tradition of Japan's Edo-era merchants. Some ko-uta are aesthetic, many are earthy.Ko-uta are sung to the accompaniment of the shamisena traditional, three-stringed Japanese lute. Ko-uta come to life when they are sung, and the best example of where they live is in the geisha world. To help give some idea of the geisha world, this Japanese music book has provided a complete score of one song.Readers with some experience with haiku and other forms of Japanese poetry will find that ko-uta share many things with those forms. Yet, ko-uta retain their own unique interest, making this book a fascinating addition to any collection of Japanese literature or art.

Book information

ISBN: 9781462918102
Imprint: Tuttle Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: -1g