Ginza Go, Papa-San

Ginza Go, Papa-San

eBook (15 Jun 1955)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Ginza Go, Papa-san grew out of a witty essay in the Saturday Evening Post. Through his wit, humor, and love of people, Allan R. Bosworth has captured a quality of profound understanding seldom found in the more learned and academic works on the Japanese. A deep and abiding affection for the people of Japan has neither dulled his keen wit nor affected his objectivity. In Gina Go, Papa-san he has succeeded in achieving a delicate balance between humor and understanding that makes light, informative, and poignant reading.

Book information

ISBN: 9781462913244
Publisher: Tuttle Publishing
Imprint: Tuttle
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 220
Weight: -1g