Publisher's Synopsis
Know Your Purpose, Embrace Adventure, by Ted Ciuba, also author of The New Think And Grow Rich, is a wise person's advice to a young person starting out on their quest. It gives the what to, why to, and how to of achieving your grand goals. You'd be amazed by what kind of giant strides you can make easily, and without any effort, when you know your purpose. Now, on the contrary, when you don't know your purpose, well, how could you make any progress? Obviously, even if you're moving, it doesn't mean you're making progress... Not unless you are moving toward something specific. So know your purpose. It's the touchstone; it's the tuning fork of everything. Every single question that will ever come up in your life is subordinate to knowing your purpose. What is it you were put on this Earth to do? Will it always be smooth sailing? Don't laugh. Achievement isn't about not having problems, setbacks, and heartaches, it's about turning adversity into triumph. The leading personal achievement scientists have reached the same basic conclusion on the subject. For instance, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi concludes, "Of all the virtues we can learn, no trait is more useful, more essential for survival, and more likely to improve the quality of life than the ability to transform adversity into an enjoyable challenge." So if this is the most useful trait, essential to success, why don't you simply embrace adventure? This frame makes the necessary quality of persistence easy. It's connecting with your goal, quest, and definite chief aim with intensity of purpose. There's no strife - there's passion. There's no discipline required in the conventional sense of the word - you're in passion. There are no problems; there's engagement, and calls on your prowess. Problems aren't something to be avoided but opportunities for you to turn to advantage and abundance. It's always been the way of the hero. This is life. You are the "E" of the E = mc2 formula, the Inner Eagle, the creative spirit. You have to take your position in this game to win it. Ask for guidance and decide. And then go out and create the life that you and the HoloCosm gave you to create in your most inspired moments!