The Torch We Throw: The Dundurn WWI Historical Library

The Torch We Throw: The Dundurn WWI Historical Library Amiens/Second to None/The Making of Billy Bishop/Hell in Flanders Fields/It Made You Think of Home - The Torch We Throw: The Dundurn WWI Historical Library

Digital Original

eBook (23 Jul 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The giant conflagration of the First World War created the world we live in today, and its history is replete with stirring battles, mind-boggling strategies, and geopolitical manoeuvring. However, the real story was lived in the trenches of Europe and the lonely households of those left behind. The stories of this period are full of tragedy, anger, and loss but also inspirational courage. This special five-book bundle presents some of these stories, from brave Canadian contributions to the battlefields at Ypres and Amiens, to the specific untold story of Canada's unheralded 58th Division, to an analysis of the myth and legend of air ace Billy Bishop, to the voice of one single soldier, Deward Barnes, told through his diary. These books provide new and enlightening perspectives on the war. Amiens Hell in Flanders Fields It Made you Think of Home The Making of Billy Bishop Second to None.

Book information

ISBN: 9781459730304
Publisher: Dundurn Press
Imprint: Dundurn Press
Pub date:
Edition: Digital Original
Language: English
Number of pages: 1570
Weight: -1g