The Art of Words: Poetry Collection

The Art of Words: Poetry Collection

Paperback (24 Jul 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Poet Leah Ward finds inspiration in nature and the world around her. That inspiration is translated into words via this contemporary collection of eclectic poetry. The Art of Words offers a view of the world through one woman's eyes, with rhythmic verse that touches every corner of the human condition.
Her poetry explores witty concepts, the natural beauty of the world, and a wide range of emotions, often containing puns, plays on words, and personification. She considers love, heartache, loneliness, happiness, betrayal, and judgment.
Ward speaks of love only found in dreams and of nature and how it affects us--and how we affect nature. She brings the full spectrum to the forefront in her debut poetry collection and encourages us to examine the world we live in through a poet's perspective.
Dreams and the Heart

Dreams and the Heart,
Go hand in hand.
One leads to the other,
And back again.
The heart feels,
What a dream captivates
True happiness,
Until one awakes.
The heart holds treasures,
That dreams try to explore.
Staying asleep,
Long as possible craving for more.
More time is what the heart,
Begs to the dream.
More time is all
That the heart really needs. ...

Book information

ISBN: 9781458210630
Publisher: Author Solutions Inc
Imprint: Abbott Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 110
Weight: 150g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 7mm