Agatha Christie Collection - With Mysterious Affair at Styles Audiobook,16 Audiobooks of Sherlock Holmes and 20 Audiobooks of H.P.Lovecraft

Agatha Christie Collection - With Mysterious Affair at Styles Audiobook,16 Audiobooks of Sherlock Holmes and 20 Audiobooks of H.P.Lovecraft

eBook (23 Oct 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Agatha Christie Collection What's included:The Mysterious Affair at StylesThe Secret AdversaryAudiobooks:The Mysterious Affair at Styles 16 Audio Books of Sherlock Holmes 20 Audio Books of H. P. Lovecraft The Audiobook links are given on the second last page of the eBook. The Audiobooks are in mp3 format. If you are able to play songs on your device, then for sure you can also play these Audiobooks. This version has been optimized for readability and includes: BEAUTIFUL FORMATTING There is plenty of white-space which makes reading easy on the eyes. FULLY FEATURED TABLE OF CONTENTS The full Table of Contents appears at the beginning of the book and can be accessed through the MENU or GO TO button. EPUBCHECKThe book successfully passes EpubCheck, developed by the IDPF. The International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) is the global trade and standards organization dedicated to the development and promotion of electronic publishing and content consumption.

Book information

ISBN: 9781456623975
Publisher: Ageless Reads
Imprint: Createspace
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 381
Weight: -1g