When Buyers Say No

When Buyers Say No Essential Strategies for Keeping a Sale Moving Forward

eBook (01 Apr 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This is a complete and practical guide which highlights the authors' new strategic approaches to selling when the buyer initially declines or is resistant on a sales opportunity. Hopkins and Katt explain that most sales reps take a traditional linear approach to selling, but that the trick in closing is in taking a more creative and circular approach. That's the key.It all starts with how the buyer initially says, "No." Too many sales reps don't pay close attention as to how that's presented. Hopkins and Katt point out that "no" may suggest all sorts of other options -- avenues that can eventually lead to the buyer actually saying yes.The authors introduce a novel concept called the Circle of Persuasion which offers sales reps a new approach in this potentially tricky process. Along the way, WHEN BUYERS SAY NO details prescriptive steps and even sample dialogues that will instruct and guide sales professionals on how to best cultivate buyer-seller relationships. There's particular emphasis on how to establish the kind of rapport that ultimately leads to a successful close.

Book information

ISBN: 9781455550586
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Imprint: Grand Central Publishing
Pub date:
Number of pages: 320
Weight: -1g