

Hardback (07 Dec 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Spencer the bunny is scared of monsters - and his big brothers love to tease him about it. He knows that monsters aren't real and it's easy for him to be brave in the daylight and when he's with his Dad. But at night, in the dark, when his brothers warn him of Frankenbunny's crusty fangs, ginormous paws and flashing red eyes - he's a goner! Spencer hatches a plan to teach his brothers what it feels like to be scared and, in the process, learns that monsters aren't real and there's no such thing as Frankenbunny.

Book information

ISBN: 9781454921721
Publisher: Sterling Children's Books, an imprint of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.
Imprint: Sterling
Pub date:
DEWEY edition: 23
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 436g
Height: 225mm
Width: 284mm
Spine width: 14mm