Publisher's Synopsis
World COMPLETE-MOST 69 Positions of 14 Investment MODEL. It's truly an ALGEBRA and an INVESTMENT book of formulas!! Investment experts normally explain the Future Value, Internal Rate of Return, Sinking Funds etc. Packaged in thick investment books, with just giving few formulas, without proofing the truth of them. As myths, we adopt them without asking. It's even worse now, since the computer had programmed them. So then investor just get shaped to limited options of computerized formats, that they could not check! The most common, but normal unsolvable condition are unexpected changes in RATE of growth or in NUMBER of investment periods. Those could not be fairly justified by the computerized programs, raising deadly conflicts with INVESTORS that had made many managers and front-liners, KILLED by the unsatisfied investors! This book not just explaining those FORMULAS, but has advancing them to compact Interactive Investment MODELS. Those can make a double or triple complex investment scheme be much easier, shorter, sharper, more accurate, profitable and algebraically proven!