More High School Graduates

More High School Graduates How Schools Can Save Students from Dropping Out

eBook (02 Dec 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A proven system to boost high school graduation ratesMore High School Graduates is a comprehensive guide for school leaders and government policymakers committed to boosting high school graduation rates. Drawing from his knowledge as an education official and professor, author Ben Levin presents a system to turn around secondary schools that is adaptable for local-, district-, and state-level decision making.Offering a road map for improvement, this bookÆs practical and specific recommendations have increased graduation rates across hundreds of high schools. Components includeKeeping track of all studentsÆ progress and intervening early to prevent failureEstablishing curriculum and graduation requirements that support increased student successImproving teaching and learningConnecting with the community to engage families, local businesses, and other stakeholders in improving graduation ratesImplementing methods for planning, communicating, and winning supportThe stigma of ôdropout factoriesö hangs over school districts and education agencies. This book helps turn any school or district into a success factory producing more graduates and better learning outcomes.

Book information

ISBN: 9781452299075
Publisher: Corwin, A SAGE Publications Company
Imprint: Corwin
Pub date:
DEWEY: 373.1207
DEWEY edition: 23
Number of pages: 208
Weight: -1g