Publisher's Synopsis
- Two outstanding and moving novels concluding Andre Norton's legendaryMoonsinger series together in one volume. In Flight to Yiktor,Farree is a hunchback orphan in the slum of a tough, lawless world on theedge of the known galaxy. His only friend? A war-beast rescued from starvationand the fighting pits with whom he has a telepathic connection. And, in Dareto Go A-Hunting, Farree has discovered a portion of his true heritage as oneof the ancient Little People, the Faery Folk, of legend - but so far as heknows, he is the only one of his kind to survive. Then his compatriots,star-traveler Krip Vorlund and psychic sorceress Lady Maelen, run acrosswings for sale in the market on a distant frontier outpost world -wings that have obviously been cut from the backs of creatures similar toFarree!