Exploring Practices of Ministry

Exploring Practices of Ministry - Foundations for Learning

Book (01 Dec 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In Exploring Practices of Ministry, Pamela Cooper-White and Michael Cooper-White share insights from their extensive experience as parish ministers, church agency executives, and seminary educators in diverse multicultural and international contexts. Pamela, an Episcopal priest who teaches pastoral theology, care, and counseling, is also a pastoral psychotherapist with an extensive clinical background. Michael, a Lutheran pastor and seminary president, is also a pilot and flight instructor and has served as a chaplain with the Civil Air Patrol. The authors share their wisdom with seminarians and other readers seeking to deepen theological reflection and expand skills as ministry practitioners. While not all readers are preparing to be ordained ministers, most will engage in many of the practices described in the book: preaching and public speaking, teaching, leading liturgies, conducting ceremonies, counseling and offering pastoral supp

Book information

ISBN: 9781451488937
Publisher: Fortress Press
Imprint: Fortress Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 253
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: 272g
Height: 154mm
Width: 226mm
Spine width: 7mm