High-Yield Behavioral Science

High-Yield Behavioral Science - High-Yield Series

4th Edition

Paperback (15 Jul 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

High-Yield™ Behavioral Science, Fourth Edition presents a concise review of the behavioral science material tested on the USMLE Step 1. The High-Yield™ outline format, with tables, diagrams, photographs, and images to clarify important material, provides a concentrated, efficient review for both course exams and the USMLE. Patient Snapshots present clinical scenarios and pose specific questions. Annotated answers and explanations appear at the end of each chapter. This edition is thoroughly updated, consistent with DSM-IV-TR, and reorganized into six major sections: The Life Cycle; Biological and Psychological Bases of Behavior; Psychopathology; Social Behavior; The Practice of Medicine; and Epidemiology and Statistics.

Book information

ISBN: 9781451130300
Publisher: LWW
Imprint: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Pub date:
Edition: 4th Edition
DEWEY: 616.0019
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 141
Weight: 312g
Height: 175mm
Width: 252mm
Spine width: 6mm