Publisher's Synopsis
The government can only tax a profitable business, no one making a profit, nothing for the government to tax because not even Joe public gets paid if he doesn't have a job, it's just that simple. Think about it. According to the constitution the only financial burdens our federal government should be carrying is to protect the nation from foreign and domestic enemies and to finance a healthy interior department. But, oh no, we gave the "New deal" a foot in the door and since then liberal politicians from both parties have created this welfare state beast that is determine to grab absolute power and take away our individual freedom. I say hell no! This beast has taken on financial burdens galore even as small as a hangnail, all out of the hard earned profits of the barely hanging on large and small business men/women of America. I say, snap out of it learned economists, face reality; lets take our bitter medicine and go boldly into the future.