Inspired by Nature Sketchbook

Inspired by Nature Sketchbook

Paperback (27 Jun 2019)

  • $18.37
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Publisher's Synopsis

Be inspired by Marjolein Bastin's passion for the natural world in this unique, inspirational sketchbook. The artist keeps detailed sketchbooks of the things she encounters in nature, combining both art and words. She draws inspiration from these sketchbooks to create her fully wrought, exquisitely detailed pieces of art. This book features sketches selected by Marjolein, with facing pages showing her finished art that was inspired by the sketches. Blank pages are included after each beautiful spread for the user's own drawings and thoughts. With a durable cover, an envelope in the back for nature finds, and a bound ribbon bookmark, this sketchbook is both beautiful and useful.

About the Publisher

Andrews McMeel Publishing

Known for cutting-edge comics and best-selling humor, cookbook, puzzle, and children's books, Andrews McMeel has a passion for publishing original talent and delighting readers with innovative books and gifts that are worth sharing.

Book information

ISBN: 9781449495961
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Imprint: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 192
Weight: 536g
Height: 213mm
Width: 180mm
Spine width: 19mm