Jr. Graphic Monster Stories: Set 2

Jr. Graphic Monster Stories: Set 2 - JR. Graphic Monster Stories

Hardback (30 Aug 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Readers who are fascinated by things that go bump in the night will adore this hair-raising series of monster stories. Legends and lore surrounding each monster are presented while also trying to discover truth behind these exciting and spine-tingling tales. The supernatural realm has never been more popular than it is right now. Each book ends with a brief summary of well-known stories about chupacabras, Bigfoot, the Yeti, and other monsters--encouraging readers to dig deeper and find out more.

Book information

ISBN: 9781448882250
Publisher: Rosen Publishing Group, Inc
Imprint: PowerKids Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 24
Weight: 1496g
Height: 266mm
Width: 177mm
Spine width: 38mm