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Patching Up Your Furniture - Simple Fixes for Common Upholstery Problems

Patching Up Your Furniture - Simple Fixes for Common Upholstery Problems

Paperback (18 Jan 2012)

  • $21.27
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Publisher's Synopsis

This antique text contains a detailed guide to patching holes in upholstered furniture. A book full of handy little tips and step-by-step instructions that can be understood and followed by anyone, this text is perfect for those with an interest in fixing their own furniture and makes for a great addition to collections of DIY literature. The chapters of this book include: 'The Art of Patching', 'The Patch Work Kit', 'Removing Packing Marks', 'Patching Scratches', 'Indentations and Rubbed Through Places', 'How to Remove Water Marks on Finish', 'Repairing Enamel and Pigment Lacquer', and 'Patching Special Finishes'. We have chosen this text for modern republication due to its instructional value, and we are proud to republish it now complete with a new introduction on making and repairing furniture.

Book information

ISBN: 9781447443810
Publisher: Read Books
Imprint: Grove Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 90
Weight: 116g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 4mm