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Gray Matters: An Autobiography

Gray Matters: An Autobiography

New edition

Paperback (02 Jan 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Andy Gray has been at the forefront of British football for over three decades. Now, for the first time, he tells his own remarkable story, and that of the modern game.

From a fanatical footballing household in Glasgow, Andy worked his way to become a teenage prodigy at Dundee. But it was in England that Andy's name was cemented as one of Europe's top strikers. At Aston Villa he scored 69 goals in 141 appearances and remains the only footballer to win both the PFA Player and Young Player of the Year in the same season. Greater glories awaited him at Everton, where he won the League, the FA Cup and the European Cup Winners Cup. These triumphs - along with the inspiring (and infuriating) managers, the goals, the games and the fans - are vividly brought to life while also explaining how the game was evolving around him. He also describes the early days of Sky Television, and the temptation of becoming a manager.

Andy Gray is unique in tracing a line from the beginnings of the modern game to the Premiership, while still remaining passionate and impartial.

About the Publisher


Macmillan is the hardback imprint of Pan Macmillan and publishes major British and international fiction authors as well as serious history, biography & memoir, politics, sport and current affairs. It also publishes a wide variety of annuals and series.

Book information

ISBN: 9781447262121
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Imprint: Macmillan
Pub date:
Edition: New edition
DEWEY: 796.334092
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 288
Weight: 436g
Height: 234mm
Width: 158mm
Spine width: 21mm