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The Stars Look Down

The Stars Look Down

On Demand

Paperback (28 Mar 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Stars Look Down was A.J. Cronin's fourth novel, published in 1935, and this tale of a North country mining family was a great favourite with his readers.

Robert Fenwick is a miner, and so are his three sons. His wife is proud that all her four men go down the mines. But David, the youngest, is determined that somehow he will educate himself and work to ameliorate the lives of his comrades who ruin their health to dig the nation's coal. It is, perhaps, a typical tale of the era in which it was written - there were many novels about coal mining, but Cronin, a doctor turned author, had a gift for storytelling, and in his time wrote several very popular and successful novels

In the magnificent narrative tradition of The Citadel, Hatter's Castle and Cronin's other novels, The Stars Look Down is deservedly remembered as a classic of its age.

Book information

ISBN: 9781447243793
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Imprint: Bello
Pub date:
Edition: On Demand
DEWEY: 823.912
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 700
Weight: 1092g
Height: 233mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 39mm