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Exploring RANDOMNESS - Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science

Softcover reprint of the original 1st Edition 2001

Paperback (17 Oct 2012)

  • $104.64
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Publisher's Synopsis

In The Unknowable I use LISP to compare my work on incompleteness with that of G6del and Turing, and in The Limits of Mathematics I use LISP to discuss my work on incompleteness in more detail. In this book we'll use LISP to explore my theory of randomness, called algorithmic information theory (AIT). And when I say "explore" I mean it! This book is full of exercises for the reader, ranging from the mathematical equivalent oftrivial "fin- ger warm-ups" for pianists, to substantial programming projects, to questions I can formulate precisely but don't know how to answer, to questions that I don't even know how to formulate precisely! I really want you to follow my example and hike offinto the wilder- ness and explore AIT on your own! You can stay on the trails that I've blazed and explore the well-known part of AIT, or you can go off on your own and become a fellow researcher, a colleague of mine! One way or another, the goal of this book is to make you into a participant, not a passive observer of AlT. In other words, it's too easy to just listen to a recording of AIT, that's not the way to learn music.

Book information

ISBN: 9781447110859
Publisher: Springer London
Imprint: Springer
Pub date:
Edition: Softcover reprint of the original 1st Edition 2001
Language: English
Number of pages: 164
Weight: 282g
Height: 233mm
Width: 153mm
Spine width: 13mm