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Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt - Great Civilisations


Paperback (10 Mar 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Each book in Great Civilisations approaches its subject through a scene-setting spread Who/where were the... then introduces the achievements of the chosen civilisation through 12 structures or objects, each of which illustrates a key aspect or theme. Writing, architecture, industry, warfare, transport and learning are all covered in the same simple, colourful and engaging way. Fact boxes and panels present incidental information and point the reader to the importance of parallel developments in other parts of the world.

Ancient Egypt looks at one of the best-known ancient civilisations. Through objects as complex and magnificent as Tutankhamun's funeral mask and sarcophagus or as simple as a shaduf, readers gain a picture of who was whom in ancient Egypt and how the civilisation in which they lived really worked.

Book information

ISBN: 9781445133317
Publisher: Hachette Children's Group
Imprint: Franklin Watts
Pub date:
Edition: Illustrated
DEWEY: 932
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 150g
Height: 211mm
Width: 265mm
Spine width: 6mm