A Witch in Winter

A Witch in Winter - The Winter Trilogy

Paperback (05 Jan 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Anna Winterson doesn't know she's a witch and would probably mock you for believing in magic, but after moving to the small town of Winter with her father, she learns more than she ever wanted to about power. When Anna meets Seth, she is smitten, but when she enchants him to love her, she unwittingly amplifies a deadly conflict between two witch clans and splits her own heart in two. She wants to love Seth, to let him love her - but if it is her magic that's controlling his passion, then she is as monstrous as the witch clan who are trying to use her amazing powers for their own gain.

When love is tangled up in magic, how can you be sure what's real?

About the Publisher

Hodder Children's Books

Hodder Children's Books is home to a cross-section of respected and prize-winning writers and illustrators and to some of the brightest new talents in fiction for children and young adults. Brands from Enid Blyton to CHERUB, authors from Hilary McKay to David Almond and Cressida Cowell, artists from David Melling to Alex T. Smith, sit side-by-side on a list that is simply unparalleled.

Book information

ISBN: 9781444904697
Publisher: Hachette Children's Group
Imprint: Hodder Children's Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.92
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 346
Weight: 302g
Height: 201mm
Width: 134mm
Spine width: 27mm