Water Song

Water Song A Retelling of "The Frog Prince" - Once Upon a Time

Paperback (04 Apr 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis


Young, beautiful, and wealthy, Emma Pennington is accustomed to a very comfortable life. Although war rages abroad, she hardly feels its effect. She and her mother travel from their home in Britain to the family estate in Belgium, never imagining that the war could reach them there. But it does.

Soon Emma finds herself stranded in a war-torn country, utterly alone. Enemy troops fight to take over her estate, leaving her with no way to reach her family, and no way out.

With all of her attention focused on survival and escape, Emma hardly expects to find love. But the war will teach her that life is unpredictable, people aren't always what they seem, and magic is lurking everywhere.

Book information

ISBN: 9781442460522
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Imprint: Simon Pulse
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 208
Weight: 181g
Height: 201mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 18mm