Publisher's Synopsis
With the publication of The Case Of The Vengeful Veterinarian, Mr. Silver moves from a series of Ookie Brothers short stories to a new set of mystery novels. Starring Sherlock Pookie and Dr. Mookie, and introducing their new brother Geekie Dookie, the Ookie Brothers venture into a new business - a modern doggy detective agency. The doggy detectives travel to such places as Hilton Head, South Carolina, Savannah, Georgia, and Buffalo, New York in the US and Rio de Janiero, Brazil and the Amazon rain forest near Bogota, Columbia, seeking DNA evidence to finding their client's missing dogs. Along the way they go back in time and encounter everything from suicidal chicken wings in Buffalo to fish and chips 19th century London. Meet Boris the Borzoi, a mysterious Vincent and a mystic psychic as the Ookie Brothers discover the crystal snake, perhaps the secret to life's fountain of youth. Look for a surprise ending as Dr. Mookie marvels at the detective skills of Sherlock Pookie. "It's elementary Dr. Mookie."