The Dark Side of Mania

The Dark Side of Mania

Paperback (26 Aug 2008)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Since childhood I was extremely hyper active with erratic behavior. My mother was told by the family physician that "boys will be boys," and by the age of 17 I would mature and grow out of this. I was 44 when I was diagnosed with manic depression. From the age of 26 until 44 I attended twelve step groups for various addictions, therapists, religious practices, and the madness still continued. There are many variations to this disorder. One area of mania known as hyper sexuality puts you in a state of increased sexual desire. It can range from flirtations to acting out sexually with many. I've been on medications since the age of 44, have had many set backs, but thanks to medications and psychiatry have learned to be my own best advocate, and how to develop coping skills to live as a manic depressive.

Book information

ISBN: 9781432730949
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Imprint: Outskirts Press
Pub date:
Number of pages: 68
Weight: 82g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 4mm