Pro SpringSource Dm Server

Pro SpringSource Dm Server


Paperback (15 Sep 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The SpringSource dm Server™ is a completely modular, OSGi-based Java server designed to run enterprise Java applications and Spring-powered applications with a new degree of flexibility and reliability. The SpringSource dm Server is based on the SpringSource Dynamic Module Kernel™ (dm Kernel). The dm Kernel provides a module-based backbone for the server, which also harnesses the power of Spring, Apache Tomcat, and OSGi-based technologies.

Pro SpringSource dm Server™ is the first book available for learning how to develop and deploy modular applications to run on the SpringSource dm Server 2.0 deployment platform.

  • This book covers everything you need, from basic OSGi concepts to developing and deploying OSGi-based applications on the SpringSource dm Server.
  • This book demonstrates how to migrate an existing web application from a standard WAR to a shared libraries WAR, a shared services WAR, and finally a web module.
  • The topics in this book are introduced by complete and real-world examples that you can follow step by step. Instead of abstract descriptions on complex concepts, you will find live examples in this book.

Book information

ISBN: 9781430216407
Publisher: Apress
Imprint: Apress
Pub date:
Edition: 2009
DEWEY: 005.133
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 266
Weight: 496g
Height: 229mm
Width: 185mm
Spine width: 19mm